The Minijobzentrale informs in a blog entry about the new supplementary income limit 2021 for partial and full pensioners who have not yet reached the standard age limit. The additional earnings limit had already been increased in 2020 because of the Corona crisis. Due to the crisis, higher additional earnings are also possible in 2021 for full pensioners before they reach the standard retirement age. After reaching the standard retirement age, pensioners can generally earn an unlimited amount of additional income. Incidentally, a 450-euro mini-job is always possible, although the annual earnings limit of 5,400 euros remains. The situation is different for short-term mini-jobs, including extra series: there are no earnings restrictions here.
Another blog entry by the Minijobzentrale is devoted to the question of when a short-term mini-job becomes professional and thus subject to social security contributions. In addition to a definition of the term, the article also names criteria for the examination of professionalism. You will also find information on this topic in the extras FAQ here on our website. Please read the sections “What is short-term employment?”, “What happens if I cannot be accounted for as a short-term employee?” and “When am I subject to social security contributions?
Mini-job in addition to the full old-age pension: New supplementary earnings limit 2021